SharedGeo Partners to Bring OSGeo Community Sprint to Minneapolis

May 20, 2019 No Comments by central

In partnership with the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) and University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (USpatial), SharedGeo was pleased to be able help organize the Minneapolis OSGeo Community Sprint, which was held May 14-17, 2019, at the University of Minnesota. Developed under the guidance of Steve Lime, Kari Guerts and Howard Butler, the event brought together 40 open source programmers from around the world for four days of collaboration and code improvement of OSGeo projects. Although participants were expected to pay for travel and lodging, meals and entertainments were covered by sponsorship donations from 13 organizations. Prudent money management by the event leads also meant that over $3,000 was sent on to OSGeo for support of the 2020 Community Sprint in Athens, Greece. From all reports, the event was highly successful in terms of software improvement and creation of collaborative connections.

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