Technical Director Basques’ Developmental Work Rates as a 2018 Top Ten Geospatial Story

January 10, 2019 No Comments by central

In its annual review of most read stories during the past year, the Geospatial Information & Technology Association announced on December 28, 2018 that an article featuring efforts of SharedGeo Technical Director Bob Basques at the City of St. Paul, Minnesota was one of its top 10 for the past year. The story entitled Open Source Viewer Sharing All City’s Geospatial Data Can Run on Raspberry Pi was published in the well-known geospatial blog Between the Poles, and sequentially picked up by GITA News Hub on March 22 with the following lead in:  

At GITA 2018 in Phoenix, Bob Basques, GIS Systems Developer at the City of St Paul, described a system called COMPASS he and his team have developed that provides a shared, easy to use tool that allows city employees and the public access to all of the City’s spatial and associated data including, for example, scans of surveyors’ notebooks, 2.2 million street level photos, and permitting and licensing information from 200 different applications.

You can read the full article here.

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