SharedGeo Releases the Minnesota Situational Awareness Viewer

August 19, 2020 No Comments by central

As a way to provide the Minnesota public with a “one-stop-shop” for publicly available emergency/disaster planning and response mapped information, SharedGeo has created the Minnesota Situational Awareness Viewer (MNSAV). Extensive research was conducted to ensure the public domain data sources used were the best available as of date of map release in August 2020.

Although initial incident information presented focuses on response to COVID-19, data related to other types of incidents common in Minnesota such as significant flooding and wildfires can be added as they occur in the years ahead.  Similarly, future development plans anticipate directly incorporating many of the individual data resources presently listed in the “Other Situational Awareness Maps and Info” section.

MNSAV was designed and implemented by SharedGeo programmer Nicole Helgeson using a Leaflet mapping framework. It can be accessed directly via the dedicated domain of


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