SharedGeo Featured in St. Paul Pioneer Press

May 14, 2013 No Comments by central

SharedGeo and the US National Grid (USNG) Emergency Markers Project were featured in the May 12th issue of the St. Paul Pioneer Press.  The article, written by Pioneer Press tech writer Julio Ojeda-Zapata, discussed SharedGeo’s role in the inception of the Marker Project and how the marker designs have evolved over years of trial-and-error.

The article also detailed how the markers help emergency responders locate emergencies, using real-life stories of people whose lives were saved because of the USNG markers.  Mr. Ojeda-Zapata discussed the future of the Marker Project, and the distinct possibility of the markers being implemented on a national scale.  So far, the markers are being tested in Minnesota’s Arrowhead region.

SharedGeo Executive Director, Steve Swazee, and Technical Director, Bob Basques, were interviewed for the Pioneer Press’s piece entitled, “Minnesota Marker Signs Might Look Funny—Until You’re Lost and Need One.”  Check out Julio Ojeda-Zapata’s blog for more on the Marker Project.

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