SharedGeo Technical Director Named to Present at FOSS4G

February 18, 2011 No Comments by central

SharedGeo announced today that its Technical Director, Bob Basques, has been named as the lead presenter for a three-hour workshop at the Free and Open Source Software “4” Geospatial (FOSS4G) Conference in Denver during September 2011.  Bob will be conducting the workshop on GeoMoose, a product that he has used extensively which was developed during his tenure at the city of St. Paul, MN and released as Open Source through additional work funded by an FGDC grant .

Organized by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation, FOSS4G is considered to be the premier international event focused on Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial.  The conference is expected to draw over 1000 participants for its return to the North American continent for the first time in four years.

under a FGDC grant

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