SharedGeo presents at the 2013 Nonprofit Tech & Communications Conference

April 15, 2013 No Comments by central

MCN_Logo (1)On April 10, SharedGeo Development Director, Sally Wakefield, and Technical Director, Bob Basques, spoke at the 2013 Nonprofit Technology & Communications Conference, an annual conference hosted by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits.  SharedGeo was one of more than 50 exhibitors in attendance who showcased technology-based products and services, along with educational seminars.

Mr. Basques and Ms. Wakefield’s presentation discussed how nonprofit and government organizations can benefit from the use of Open-Source Geospatial mapping technology.  Ms. Wakefield examined how free, open-source technologies can assist organizations with program and service development, member development and fundraising, and communications.  Mr. Basques delved into the technical details of how SharedGeo and other nonprofit and government organizations use GIS.  He also showed examples of how the recently OSGeo sanctioned software, GeoMOOSE, could be used in a range of projects.

To learn more, see Bob Basques’s presentation and Sally Wakefield’s presentation.

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