Donate Money!
Thank you for considering a financial donation to SharedGeo!
SharedGeo is an IRS approved 501(c)3 nonprofit. You will receive a tax deductible receipt for any donation you give.
To donate to SharedGeo’s general operations fund supporting the current greatest need, please click here or on the “DONATE NOW” button at the top of the page, or download a paper donation form here. Funds contributed will be used to pay for a wide range of programs and services that SharedGeo provides, many for little or no charge.
Historically, over 95% of funds donated to SharedGeo have been used to support programs, while under 5% have gone to cover administrative costs. That is a remarkable track record made possible by the leadership and some employees donating their time.
Some examples of programs where your donation will be put to use include:
- Technology support for Disaster Response/Relief efforts
- Development of mapping and related technologies supporting the Emergency Services Sector
- “Matching Funds” contributions required by some grant programs
- Community event support
- SharedGeo grants to related efforts
- Environmental change monitoring,
- U.S. National Grid support,
- Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial software development, and
- Creation of unique and affordable approaches to the nation’s most difficult geospatial challenges.
If you would prefer to donate to a specific project, SharedGeo currently has two active set-aside accounts which are linked to specific projects. To donate, click on the bolded name link below to go direct to the donation feature for the respective project: