SharedGeo Presents on the US National Grid at Cook County Emergency Management Conference
SharedGeo Executive Director Steve Swazee and Technical Director Bob Basques presented at the Cook County Emergency Management Conference, which took place April 26-27, 2013.
On Friday evening, April 26th, Basques and Swazee’s met with a community focus group to discuss the ongoing Minnesota Marker pilot project underway in adjoining Lake County. During this presentation, Basques and Swazee discussed SharedGeo’s efforts to develop standardize U.S. National Grid (USNG) emergency location markers that can be used throughout the United States. Swazee and Basques also received valuable feedback and ideas about how the signs could be used to help authorities respond to emergencies, continuing the collaborative spirit of the USNG project underway in Lake County.
On Saturday morning, April 27th, Swazee and Basques provided two hours of USNG instruction covering the rational for U.S. National Grid use, basic concepts, GPS interface, map reading, and anticipated future developments. Among the attendees were several local trail managers who indicated they were excited about the potential use of USNG in their Search and Rescue efforts.
For more information, see Bob Basques and Steve Swazee’s USNG presentation (see presentation called: “U.S. National Grid Trail Markers – Bringing Geolocation to a Trail Near You” and the SharedGeo’s USNG Marker project page.
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